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In the digital world, on the internet, when you click on stuff, things need to get moving, fast.

No really.

Most days, it's a tolerable hassle when software is spinning around, taking it's time, showing you this, loading up that. But there will always be these times, just, once in a while, when you'll need, I mean need to do something now. Like, right f**ing now. This now I'm talking about is the now when pressure is on. When people are waiting. When things are breaking. When money is on the table. When every second counts and milliseconds can make or break your day. Whatever it is that's making you race against time, in those moment, now is not the time for shitty software to drag along, spin around and make you wait. In those moments, you need software you can rely on. Software you can flow through at the speed of thought. Software you don't get distracted from just because of how stupidly slow it is.

This is what we strive for. It's simple:

UIs that get you where you need, give you what you want, right f**ing now.

Time is too precious to be wasted looking at this shit:

Expect better. Expect faster.

Count milliseconds.